- Microsoft Project Advanced - PDF Free Download

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User manual Microsoft Project (English - 49 pages).


Project to web guidde and SharePoint information is available to be built in to the project file so that the project can be managed across continents via the internet or intranet allowing the use of a central pool of common resources to enable the project managers to efficiently interact and plan through project difficulties.

How To Use This Guide This manual should be used as a point of reference following attendance of the introductory microskft Project training course. It covers all the topics taught and aims to act as a support aid for any tasks carried out by the user after the course. The manual is divided into sections, each section covering an aspect of the introductory course. The table of contents lists microsofr guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free numbers of each section and the table of figures indicates the pages guidee tables and diagrams.

Objectives Sections begin with a list of objectives each with its own check box so that you can mark off miicrosoft topics that you are familiar with following the training. Instructions Those who pdt already used frer Project file before may not need to read explanations on what each command does, but would rather skip straight to the instructions to find out how to do it.

Look out for the arrow icon which precedes a list of instructions. When dialog box options are referred to, the following style has been used for the text E. Some of these mifrosoft are illustrated below. SS marks the scheduled start time guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free Task A. By default, all tasks are scheduled to start at the earliest possible time, unless you prokect otherwise. In the example above, Task A is scheduled to start later and therefore prroject been delayed.

All tasks on a critical path must be completed on time for the project to finish on time. If one task on a critical path is delayed, then the project посмотреть больше delayed. The original project plan, including the time schedule and resource and cost allocations. The baseline is used for comparing projected values to A project tracking function recording the difference between the budgeted cost of the work performed and the actual cost.

Values below the baseline show an overspend and positive values denote cost savings. The sequence of tasks or activities whose schedules and durations directly affect the date of overall project completion. The amount of time by which a non-critical task can be delayed before it schedule. A graphical representation of a project schedule showing each task as a bar, the length of which is proportional to its duration.

Microsof project management packages use a spread sheet section to the left of the Gantt chart to display additional information. A task whose guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free is mlcrosoft based pf the time span between its predecessor and successor activities. A bar chart that shows resource workloads over a time period. The gide of time between the finish of a predecessor task and the start of a successor task.

The amount of time that a task is permitted to start before its predecessor is finished. A measurement of resource usage on a task per unit of time.

Different methods of loadi project. A loading pattern that allocates resource usage as late in the task as possible. The contour-loading pattern assesses which resources are left over after allocation to the critical tasks and spreads these resources among the remainder.

When using fixed-loading algorithms, you specify the actual amount of resource allocated to the encompassing tasks. Front loading systems will attempt to guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free resources as early in the task as possible. This loading pattern allocates the resource usage on guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free by day basis in a task.

This will usually be done without causing any buide task to be over committed. A project event that represents a checkpoint, a major accomplishment or a measurable goal. Organisational Breakdown Structure codes are used to identify tasks by resource groups in a hierarchical format.

OBS codes are often used to reflect departmental structure in a company or code of guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free, and can also be used for filtering tasks.

Project Evaluation and Resource Tracking charts, also called network diagrams. Network Diagrams are a graphical microsoft outlook 2016 calendar permission levels and their meaning free of task dependencies, and resemble flow pdc.

Dependencies are shown by connecting lines or arrows indicating the work flow. In dependency microsort, the predecessor is the task that must be started or completed first. Best defined as a body of knowledge, a set of principles, or techniques dealing with the planning and control of projects.

Any person, group of people, item or equipment, service or material used guidw accomplishing a project task. The process of resolving resource conflicts. Most project management programs offer an automated resource levelling routine that delays tasks until the resources assigned to them are available. Task durations determined by the program and based on the number of an allocation of resources, rather than the time available.

Both individual tasks and entire projects can be resource-driven. A group of activities which are treated as a single task in a master project schedule. Subprojects are a way of working with multiple projects that keep all the data in one file rather than in /9127.txt files.

In a dependency freee between two tasks, the microwoft is the task that must await the start or completion of the other. Work Breakdown Structure codes are used to identify tasks in a hierarchy.

Many project management applications associate these codes with an outline structure. WBS codes can be used to filter the project schedule for tracking and reporting purposes. Consciously or sub consciously we all apply these skills in the daily administration of our work. Where a major undertaking has to be completed, these skills are not only brought into focus but must be applied in a much more structured format.

We must take on the jargon and techniques of the Project Manager as well as become familiar with the "Tools of the trade". To review the skills that are relevant to project management The ability to define guids Goal, Objective, Giude and Limitations of a project.

The ability to define prjoect individual tasks in sufficient detail and sequence to meet the objective with the minimum of problems, and within the defined time scale. Task attributes should include some or all of the following Objectives Time constraints Milestones Task oroject on which this Task is Dependant Estimated Duration: - Task s that are dependent on this task Optimistic estimate Itemised task Budget Pessimistic estimate Resources required completing the Task.

The ability to manage the progression of the tasks in terms of their resources, start times and finish times. The production of appropriate progress reports. As the complexities of these undertakings increase so the importance of discipline and structure increase and the Project Manager must look to the tools that can help which is where Microsoft Project comes into the picture.

Setting out the Goal and the Objectives together with the Specification and Limitations within which the undertaking must /12562.txt completed. Plan The Project Planning of all the activities, resources, and estimation of materials and time scales.

Some of this guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free may have to be done at an appropriate level for cost estimation before the project can be agreed. Once the decision to go ahead pdff been taken the skills of the Project Manager are used to define the details of the planning stage. When this has been completed and agreed it will become the "Plan" or the base line against which progress can be measured. Implementation A leap into the void! Notes: A poorly planned project will take three times longer than the original plan.

A wellplanned project will only take twice as long. A project that will be completed without changes, fre time and within budget has never been known in the past and will never happen in the future. Microsoft Project will help! Monitoring And Adjusting Recording Actual Progress Once the project is under way, the progress of each activity is recorded. This information can then be compared against the Plan and the differences highlighted.

Revising The Schedule The process of minimising the effect of problems and delays on meeting project deadlines is achieved by adjusting and updating the Schedule freee meet the changed circumstances. As the project progresses and when it has been completed the process of evaluation should be used to learn the lessons for the next time. Microsoft Project - Operational Basics Microsoft Project Has The Following Capabilities: Highlights 1 million tasks per project depending on free RAM 1 million resources per project Calendar dates from to Gantt charts to show project schedules graphically on a time microsof with scaling from minutes to years.

Network Diagrams to show task relationships. Outlining to group and arrange project guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free in hierarchical order. Filters to view selected information. Resource usage and Graph views and reports to quickly identify resource 200 and costs. Custom fields so you can track additional information unique to your project. If time, money, or what your project accomplished were unlimited, you wouldn't need to do project management. Unfortunately, most projects have a specific time limit, budget, fuide scope.

It is this combination of elements time, money, and scope that we refer to as the project triangle. These competing elements micrsooft also known as the triple constraints of a project. Understanding the project triangle will enable microsoft office word 2010 page numbering free to make better choices when you must make guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free.

For example, if you decide to microsoft access switchboard free the project plan to: Bring in the scheduled finish date, you might end up with midrosoft costs and a decreased scope.

Guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free the project budget, the result might be a longer schedule and a decreased scope. Increase scope, your project might take more time guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free cost more money in the form of guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free, such as workers. Changes to your plan can affect the triangle in various ways, depending on your specific circumstances and the nature of your project. For guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free, in some instances, shortening your schedule might increase costs.

Projectt other instances, it might actually decrease costs. In terms of the project triangle, resources are considered a cost item. So as you adjust resources to accommodate more or less work or to reflect their availability, your costs go up or down correspondingly. These costs are based on resource pay rates. You also may notice that as you adjust resources, your schedule changes.

For example, if you have several 10 mobile hotspot free over allocations and pcf level the project, the schedule frfe now include split tasks and delays that extend the finish date. In most projects, at least one side of the triangle is "stuck," meaning that you can't change it.



- Guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free


No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage projedt retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section or of the United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author.

Some of the product names and company names used in this book have been used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free sellers. The page numbering is the same as the original text. It fre created in April Cover Photo Dan Schwalbe. Appendix A Brief Guide to Microsoft Project Introduction Your screens may appear slightly different.

You guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free download a free trial of Project from www. You can access the older version of this guide based on Project on the companion Web site at www. Students who purchased an older version of this text An Introduction to Project Management, Third Edition, источник статьи Kathy Schwalbe can purchase just this new Appendix from www.

Instructors can access the latest guide based on Project on the instructor site. Unfortunately, many people who own the software have no idea how to use it. It is frse to understand basic concepts of project management, such as creating a work breakdown structure, determining task guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free, and so on before making effective use of this software. Many project teams still use spreadsheets or other familiar software to help manage projects. However, if you can master a good project management software tool, it can really help in managing projects.

This appendix summarizes basic information on project management software in general. It also provides gjide brief guide to using Microsoft Office Project often referred to as Projectthe latest version of the most widely used product.

Appendix B provides a brief summary of task, the most popular totally online tool. The products listed in the top по ссылке include: 1. Microsoft Project 2. MindView 3. Project KickStart 4. RationalPlan Multi Project 5. FastTrack Schedule 6. Service Desktop Pro 7.

Milestones 8. MinuteMan 9. FusionDesk Professional Remember that students can purchase Microsoft Project and other software at greatly reduced rates from sites such as www. You can also normally download free trials of Project and other software products. Figure A Top ten project management software product comparisons Below are descriptions of the criteria for comparing the software products: Collaboration: How information and issues are communicated with project team members, including email, conference calls, meetings, web-based locations and more.

Collaboration should be easy to use. Resource Management: Project management software should manage and control the resources needed to run a project, such as imcrosoft, money, time and equipment. Project Management: The process, practice and activities needed to perform continuous evaluation, prioritization, budgeting and selection of investments are key. Proper project management capabilities provide the greatest value and contribution to the strategic interest of your company.

Ease of Use: All project management software has a learning curve, but guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free best have functions that are easy to find and simple enough for anyone to use from Day 1, Project 1. The manufacturer should psf email addresses or telephone numbers for direct answers to technical questions. Figure A-2 lists the top ten results. The top fourteen products listed include: 1. Daptiv PPM 3. Clarizen 4. Project Insight 5. Guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free 6. Intervals 7.

Projecturf 8. Central Desktop 9. Easy Projects NET Project Office. Copper Smooth Projects Zoho Projects task took the number one spot. Like most tools in this category, task provides windows server 2012 r2 vs enterprise free ability to create Gantt charts, numerous reports and views, project dashboards, and it provides integration with Microsoft Project guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free.

One of its unique features is its support of iPhones. See End Note 1 or visit the Web sites for any of these products and use a free trial version. See Appendix B for more information on using task.

Why guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free just use a spreadsheet or database to help manage projects? You can do a lot of project management planning and tracking using non-project management software. You could use a simple word processor to list tasks, resources, dates, and so on. If you put that information into a spreadsheet, you can easily sort it, graph guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free, and perform other functions.

A relational database tool could provide even more manipulation of data. You can use email and other tools to collaborate with others. However, project management software is designed specifically for managing projects, so it normally includes several distinct and important features not found in other software products: Creating work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, and network diagrams: Microsift mentioned in guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free text, a fundamental concept microosoft project management is breaking down the scope of the project into a work breakdown structure WBS.

The WBS is the basis for creating the project schedule, normally shown as a Gantt chant. The Gantt chart shows start and end dates of tasks as well as dependencies between tasks, which are more clearly shown in a network diagram. Project management software makes it easy to gkide a WBS, Gantt chart, and network. These features help the project manager and team visualize the project at various levels of detail. Integrating scope, time, and cost data: The WBS is a key tool for summarizing the scope of a project, and the Gantt chart summarizes the time or schedule for a project.

Project management software allows you to assign cost and other resources to tasks on the WBS, which are tied to the schedule. This allows you to create a cost baseline and use earned value management to track project performance in terms of scope, time, and cost in an integrated fashion.

Setting a baseline giide tracking progress: Another important concept of project management is preparing a plan and measuring guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free against the plan. Project management software lets you track progress for each task. The tracking Gantt chart is a nice tool for easily seeing the planned and actual schedule, and other views and reports show progress in other areas.

Providing other advanced project management features: Project management software often provides other advanced features, such as setting up different types of scheduling dependencies, determining the critical path and slack for tasks, working with multiple projects, and leveling resources.

For example, you can easily set up a task to start when its predecessor is halfway finished. After entering task dependencies, the software should easily show you the critical path and slack for each task. You can also set up multiple projects in a program and perform portfolio microsoftt analysis with some products.

Many project management software products also allow you to easily adjust resources within their slack ссылка на продолжение to create a smoother resource distribution. These advanced features unique to project management are rarely found in other software tools. As you can see, there are several important features that are unique to project management guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free that make them worth using.

Next youll learn whats new in Project and how to use basic features of Project Support office 2013 free. Microsoft really listened to users and has revised Project to meet user needs. Learning some of the new features might seem like a chore, but it is well worth pfoject effort. If you are familiar with Projectit may be helpful to review some of the new features in Project Improved user interface: Project now includes the ribbon interface instead of using the old menus and toolbars similar to Office The File tab takes you to the new Backstage feature, a one-stop graphical destination for opening, saving, and printing your files.

You can also now right-click on different items, like a table cell or chart, to bring up commonly used commands quickly. A timeline view microoft automatically displayed above other views to show you a concise overview of the entire project schedule. You can easily add tasks to the timeline, print it, or paste it into an e-mail. The new team planner view lets you quickly see what your team members are working on, and you can move tasks from one person to another using this view. For example, if a resource is overallocated, you can drag a task to another resource to remove the overallocation.

You can also add new columns quickly and use the new zoom slider at the lower right of the screen to zoom your schedule in and out. Guide microsoft project 2010 pdf free, the tab for viewing and printing reports is easier to navigate with more options for visual reports.

Manual scheduling: Unlike previous versions of Project where tasks were automatically scheduled, Project uses manual schedule as its pddf. In past versions of Project, microspft tasks were automatically calculated based on their subtasks. Resources were also adjusted automatically. With Projectthis is no longer the case. For example, you might want to enter durations for summary tasks and then fill in the detailed information for their subtasks later.


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